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Parachuting Project Description


A person parachuting, with or without a parachute open, will reach a certain velocity. This limiting velocity is called terminal velocity. The terminal velocity is obviously greater without the parachute than it is with the parachute open. This is because of surface area difference between the open parachute and only the person. The larger the surface area, the more air resistance exist, and therefore the smaller the terminal velocity.


Your job is to determine the type of relationship that exist between surface area of a parachute and the terminal velocity of the object falling. Don't worry, you don't have to jump, but you do need to use the CBR to collect data relating height and time of a falling parachute, calculate the terminal velocity, measure the surface area of the parachute, and then model the data (surface area, terminal velocity).


Your group’s report will include all the indicated criteria listed on the grading rubric. The oral presentation needs to involve everyone in the group and include the use of visuals (either powerpoint, excel slides, overhead transparency, or posters). The final project grade will consist of 70%(written report) + 30%(oral report).



























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