Books and Articles
Quantitative Literacy, Mathematics Across the Curriculum and Ethnomathematics


Langkamp, G and Joe Hull. Quantitative Reasoning and the Environment: Mathematical Modeling in Context. Upper Saddle River, NJ.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.

This well researched new mathematics text teaches essential numeracy, function modeling, difference equation modeling and elementary statistics in the context of over 300 environmental science applications.

Table of contents at:

Quantitative Literacy Resource

Gillman, Richard, ed. Current Practices in Quantitative Literacy. at press, Mathematical Association of America.

This series of articles presents a wide sampling of efforts being made on campuses across the country.

Writing and Numeracy

Miller, Jane E. The Chicago Guide to Writing about Number: the Effective Presentation of Quantitative Information. Chicago, IL.: The University of Chicago Press, 2004.

Recommended for those wanting to teach about writing and quantitative literacy.

Quantitative Literacy Issues and Practices

Peer Review: Emerging Trends and Key Debates in Undergraduate Education published a special issue on “Quantitative Literacy” for their summer 2004 issue.

A wonderful primer for quickly learning about analysis and practice of quantitative literacy.

Teaching Sociology, a journal of the American Sociological Association published a “Special Issue on Cultivating Quantitative Literacy” for their January, 2006 issue. Articles include:

For more information on these and other QL articles see Volume 34 Number 1:

Jordan, Jay and Beth Haines. “The Role of Statistics Educators in the Quantitative Literacy Movement.” Journal of Statistics Education Vol. 14, No. 2 (2006),

Entire article is online:

Mathematics Texts Emphasizing Quantitative Literacy

General Support of Quantitative Literacy

Mathematics with Reading and/or Writing

Statistics, Media and Data Analysis

Mathematics & Quantitative Literacy Across the Disciplines


Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Communities